The Canadian Pacific Railway had completed their transcontinental mainline by 1885. At the time, the CPR realized the need for a ‘Coast-to-Kootenay’ connection.
British Columbia was proving to be a very rich area for minerals and because of its proximity to the United States and the natural accessibility created by the north-south mountain ranges, it was difficult to keep out American miners.
But it was not until June of 1910 when the Kettle Valley Railway began construction. As the years passed, gold, silver, and the railways came to shape The Boundary area and Midway’s past, present and future.
Do you have a story about the Kettle River area that you would like to share with us? Drop us a line and share your tale about the history of the local community, its people, and the railway that created it. Every now and then we’ll share (with permission) a featured story for visitors to our website to read.